Job Search on Sobiaonline: Our story & services

Job Search on Sobiaonline: Our story & services

Job Search on Sobiaonline

Have you ever wondered if your job search could be made much easier and stress-free?

Do you know that studies have attributed a lack of interview calls and an inability to get a job in the formal sector to poor preparation of candidates?

Sobiaonline can support you in adequately preparing for your next job search project and provide you with the keys to your next job. We are Sobiaonline.

Our principal activity is CV design.

Since 2017, Sobiaonline has nurtured and honed a high-performing job search alternative to conventional recruitment services that has a completely personal approach to employment and helps job seekers get the jobs they want.

You are out of school and you are not getting a job or you have been out of a job for a while now.

What might be standing between you and your next job might just be the right tool, a renewed approach, or perhaps just a free consultation we are available to offer you!

You can call us should you have questions such as how we can support you to get a job, how we can assist you to re-tool and re-brand your professional life, or if you simply want to know the difference between what we propose and conventional recruitment services. Help us to help you by getting in touch today!

Need Job Search Help?

What We Hold Dear

Smarter employment solutions with greater access to employment prospects and fulfilled careers for all employment solutions that are convenient, cheaper, secure, reliable, and, above all, humane. ICT as an enabler to make employers, job seekers, and students enjoy God’s gift of life, live a stress-free life, and achieve their full potential without discrimination (ie, Sobiaonline).

What is our daily routine?

Our mission is to be at the forefront of providing SMART and non-conventional employment solutions that are more convenient, cheaper, secure, reliable, and, above all, humane by leveraging the power of “online”.

Why Choose SOBIA Online?


Job seekers are the most treasured assets of Sobiaonline, and we guard their interests jealously.

For all our services, we put the interest of the job seeker first.

We will make sure that you have the final say in our meeting timelines and inh all dealings you hav with Sobiaonline.


Powered by our online approach to work, we have significantly reduced our service costs by over 50%, and this is a direct benefit to you.

Likewise, we have no hidden charges like registration fees, etc. You do not need to navigate road traffic or pay additional transport fees to visit our offices.

We believe in the power of doing business online, and with the power of just your mobile phone, we can do business with you.

We improve your access to essential employment solutions at no cost.

For instance, we provide you with the latest information on jobs, scholarships, funding, and seasoned career advice at no cost.

Most recruitment agencies are located in Accra, but what happens to the underserved areas?

Our working philosophy allows us to not discriminate. Wherever you are, we just need your mobile phone to do business with you as a job seeker or employer.

If you are an actively employed professional, we have flexible working schedules in place that will not get you distracted at work.


We consistently deliver on all our promises.

Our clients trust us because we are very clear with what we do and we do not meddle in areas that are not our specialty.

We deliver our promises efficiently, timely and consistently.

We have an eye for detail, and this ensures that we deliver your content without errors.

We are very confidential and protect the documents and information that you share with our team.


We are simply good to our clients and partners.

We treat our partners with respect, fairness, and integrity.

Above all, we have all been job seekers before and we know how it feels to be out of a job!

We understand what you are going through and we will help you to help yourself.


Because we are humans, we always try new things.

Testing, failing, tweaking, and learning are our ongoing routines, and this helps us disrupt more and provide services that work.

We love developing new ways of doing things.

We challenge conventional employment solutions and strive to improve our services by using IT solutions that make our services more affordable, accessible, secure and convenient for all.


Employment security has been largely misconstrued as staying in a job for as long as one wants.

For many reasons, most workers in Ghana are generally unhappy, no matter how many years they have served.

In certain jurisdictions, the idea has always been to give people who are unemployed money so that they can survive, keep their families going, and spend time looking for another job.

In Ghana, the story is different, and this is why we have taken employment security as a core issue we seek to tackle now and in the future.

As an agency, we provide free career advice and free CV review services for job seekers who may not be able to afford some of our services.

We also provide free, unlimited job postings for budding start-ups.

We also proactively scout for job scams and alert job seekers, and this has helped numerous job seekers avoid being scammed.

In the future, we seek to provide more in-depth employment security support services in the areas of job fraud, employment contracts, and labor laws. Please find out how we can help in your job search

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